COVID-19 – It’s time for individual heroism


It’s been a rough start of the year 2020 since the Covid-19 pandemic has made its impact all over the globe. It has caused thousands of lives, crashed the business market, and stranded our day to day life of every single common person. 

Throughout our life, we have been teached to socialize with our fellow human beings. But it is time that we have to be an introvert. Yes, you read the word right. Introvert! It doesn’t mean to isolate you from society, but to stay home and to stay some distance away from others. 

Government has requested every individual’s support and contribution to overcome this massive calamity by self-isolation and quarantine. Companies have initiated the Business Continuity Plan in order to mutually benefit both their employees and clients

Our government has taken the initiative, also our companies have taken the initiative, now it’s up to us. It’s the right time for us to become the superhero we always wish to, to save millions of people by our simple act. All we have to do is, just stay home and stay safe.


History is full of evidence of epidemics because of the mass consciousness created by fear of the disease. Fear is a very strong vibration. More fearful we are, it becomes a reality swiftly.

There is a psychological saying, ‘The more you feed the energy of fear, the more profound it becomes.’

Let us not make that mistake. It is advisable to stay informed about the current situation and to follow coronavirus updates only from official channels. Avoid rumours from unsolicited channels that can affect your personal well-being.

Instead, let’s take this opportunity of becoming an individual hero by staying back home and developing ourselves, our values, and our skill sets. 



