Why to do Whatsapp Integration with Odoo?

Odoo WhatsApp Chat Integration ideally allows you to fully integrate WhatsApp to your existing Odoo version so that it can offer very quick support to your existing customers.


Unveiling Odoo 14 – What is in the Odoo 14 Release Notes?

Odoo 14 is sure to elevate businesses that rely on ERP software solutions. Focusing on improving the current version, The Odoo 14 features a lot more sophisticated changes that businesses will need to amp up their presence in the market.


Odoo ERP For Automotive Industry

The Odoo ERP for Automotive Industry establishes an effective management software and production strategy through which the overall productivity of the business.


Odoo Modules – The Complete List

Odoo modules covering various business functionalities starting from Manufacturing, inventory, accounting, sales and eCommerce to HR management.


