Odoo V13 Expected Features


Most of the companies anticipation in the ERP market is almost about to be over. Within a month, Odoo version 13 is about to be launched. But the question is ‘what are the new features provided by Odoo 13?’

Every year we advance, Odoo ERP software, the all-in-one enterprise management tool gets updated with an enormous number of modules which helps our organization to extend its functionalities through various business as well as industrial verticals. Odoo version 13 is expected to be launched by October 2019 and it will be running on jQuery 3.X.

Let us dig out the Odoo 13 future expectations and its respective changes.

Odoo version 13 expectations

Before we see about the additional features in the upcoming version of Odoo ERP, let us look at the modules which are been altered.

Odoo v13 modules

In addition to the added Odoo 13 features, some of the modules from Odoo v12 are interchanged between Community and Enterprise version. For example, the HR payroll module which is been tooled under the Odoo 12 Community version is now interchanged to the Odoo 13 Enterprise version.

Similarly, the Odoo 12 Enterprise modules such as ‘Website form builder’ module and ‘Sales coupon and promotion’ module has been interchanged to the Odoo 13 Community version.

Apart from the interchanging of the modules, the following are the other changes and features provided by Odoo 13.

Addition of new features:

The following are the new features added in Odoo experience 2019.

  1. Search panel in Kanban view

Search panel has been introduced in the Kanban view through which the user can filter the records at ease.

  1. Smart buttons in user forms

Provision of smart buttons in ‘User form’ helps the users to open the ‘Groups’, ‘Access control list’, and ‘Record rules’ just within a simple click.

  1. HR module

A whole new Odoo V13 module named HR Skills is introduced for managing the employee skills.

  1. Chartjs

Availability of Chartjs is added in Odoo 13 features since it provides a wide range of solutions for building statistics and advanced portals.

  1. Work order timers

Timer gets displayed in the work orders through which the productivity can be easily calculated.

  1. Signature widgets

A binary field named ‘Signature Widget’ is added in Odoo 13 features through which the user can add signatures using the Odoo Studio. And also, the user can request for a signed confirmation in any process such as Purchase Orders, Delivery Receipts, etc.

  1. Tap to Scan Option

Make use of your smartphone in an effective way!
Using the ‘Tap to Scan’ option, the user can scan barcodes to identify the products and also to process inventory operations by means of Odoo mobile.

  1. Checklists in HTML Editor

Availability of checklists in the HTML editor support.

  1. Addition in the Activity view

Improvement in Activity view and addition of more features such as counters, Direct form opening, time filters in activity, and much more.


 The following are the improvements made in the upcoming Odoo ERP software version.

  1. The user can view and mass edit within the grouped list views.
  2. For multiple groups, instead of displaying all the groups in a single page, a pager is displayed.
  3. Odoo 13 download provisions ‘Expand’ attribute through which the first-level groups can be opened at ease.
  4. For multiple groups (grouped on many2one comodel), custom buttons can be added in every individual group header.
  5. By using the editable list views, the user can edit multiple records in a row.
  6. In Odoo version 13, invoicing of the sales order is made easier.
  7. Avoid flickering effects of editable lists while switching a row to edit mode.
  8. As a simple method of navigation, while reading, the user can use the arrows in order to shift between the cells in list views.
  9. Myprofile option availability helps users to easily fetch data.
  10. By means of Odoo 13 download, the user can detect employee presence automatically by means of activity.
  11. The user can customize the branding in their document layout.
  12. Instead of logging in as a user, the employee can log in to the POS UI as an employee itself.
  13. Improvements made in Sales;

Completely inline 
Precise column labels 
Simple product configurator (“Add a product”)
Choice of fields to use
Advanced fields are optional (lead time, cost, route, analytic tag)

  1. Using Odoo survey, the user can manage online certifications.
  2. Set up an official ‘Out of Office’ message on your absence.
  3. In Odoo 13 future expectations, forums are provided with the new interface.

Other than the above-mentioned features and improvements, Odoo experience 2019 has some other minor changes in it such as; renaming (Leaves are renamed as Timeoff and Delivery methods are renamed as Shipping methods.), the addition of ‘date-time’ in Odoo survey, etc.

Our trade works in Odoo ERP platform

Apart from the massive growth and technological developments in the fields of ERP and Odoo, the underlying principle remains unchanged, the provision of an open-source ERP software. We, PPTS family are delighted to showcase our efficient contribution by the provision of our service in the Odoo ERP system by means of development, implementation, customization, and services based on our client’s requirements.



