Odoo integration with third-party applications


Every step we make towards our future, we need to embrace the latest technologies and innovations in our work culture in order to survive in this fast-growing market. And when we speak about our organization, we can’t neglect the fact that it is constructed with various substantial working systems. Managing these various working systems along with other additional up-gradations is a tedious job. But not anymore!

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Integration process helps in interconnecting the various substantial working systems of an organization and piles up into a single working system through which the entire processes of an organization can be administrated.

Integration is the initial step for driving towards automation. Without integrating the multiple systems of the organization, automation of certain working systems cannot be processed.

On the other side of enterprise development, ERP — Enterprise Resource Planning — software guides an enterprise in planning its resources with ensuring smarter decisions and improving overall performance by means of integrating and automating the core systems of the enterprise.

Odoo ERP integration services

Odoo ERP is an all-in-one business management ERP software which helps in administrating the enterprise’s resources. By means of Odoo ERP implementation, the enterprise can manage its various departments such as manufacturing, accounting, finance, sales, HR, and other business sectors at ease.

Further, Odoo ERP integration with third-party applications allows more credibility and enhancement in business growth. But what does it exactly mean to integrate Odoo ERP with third-party applications?

Third-party integration has become mandatory in order to streamline various different work processes in an enterprise. With the help of this third party integration, not only the work processes get streamlined but also the efficiency of the entire working system can be highly improved.

Types of Odoo ERP integrations

Odoo ERP integration with third-party applications such as payment gateways, ecommerce applications, social media platforms, etc. has made its huge impact on the ERP market. There are various Odoo ERP integrations available in the ERP market. Without these Odoo ERP integrations, normal day-to-day work processes would be more difficult and frustrating since each and every task allocated in its respective department would be processed individually.

The following are the various Odoo ERP integration with third-party applications that are available in the ERP software market.

  • CRM integration with ERP
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Ecommerce integration with Odoo ERP
  • QuickBooks integration with Odoo ERP
  • Social media integration
  • SMS gateway integration
  • Odoo Wompi Integration

CRM integration with Odoo ERP

Integrating your CRM with an ERP system boosts the overall efficiency of the organization by reducing the work blocks and streamlining the processes in a working system. CRM integration with Odoo ERP blends the benefits of the CRM tool along with the values of Odoo ERP software.

For example, Odoo Zoho CRM integration is one of the most commonly used CRM integration with Odoo ERP. Using this integration process, the data such as customer details, leads generated, etc., from both Zoho CRM and Odoo ERP can be interchanged, thus acting as a bidirectional data transfer system streamlining the entire work system.

Payment gateway integration in Odoo

Payment gateway integration in Odoo allows easy online transactions through familiar and secure payment gateways such as Stripe pay-outs, PayPal, Worldpay, Authorize.net, etc. These integrations allow transacting the POS payment more quickly and easily. When it comes to an online transaction, all we aim for is a secured connection with the respective bank portals. Payment gateway integration in Odoo ERP provides better securable pathway such as card verification code and direct payment process with the respective banks. In case if the payment fails unfortunately, the transacted amount will be refunded to the admin/seller’s account directly.

Ecommerce integration with Odoo ERP

Odoo ERP can be integrated with various ecommerce platforms such as Magento, Shopify, eBay, Amazon, Prestashop, Woo-commerce, etc., by means of certain connectors developed for the integration process. With the help of this ecommerce integration with Odoo ERP, the important data used in an ecommerce system such as shipping information, product information, inventory information, etc., are managed in more effective way. Moreover, shipping carriers such as UPS, USPS, FedEx, DHL, etc., are also integrated with Odoo ERP.  The dedicated customer portal in Odoo ERP helps you in easy management of the customer database. Further, this single ERP software allows you to administer multiple online stores from a single location.

Odoo integration with accounting software

In every company, accounting is considered to be one of the most complexity indulged department. Odoo ERP is considered as one of the #1 open-source ERP software when it comes to financing and accounting. With no regards to the business size, Odoo ERP in accounting acts as the highly effective solution from a normal journal-level entry to budget management, advanced BI reports, etc. As an independent module, it caters all the business needs in the accounting system of an organization.

Odoo ERP integration with accounting software such as Xero accounting, QuickBooks, etc., helps you in reducing the complexity faced in the accounting department of your enterprise. For example, Odoo to QuickBooks integration helps its customers in managing their inventory products in accordance with accounting, payroll, etc.

Social media integration with Odoo

Social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., can be integrated with Odoo ERP through which the enterprise can manage their leads and other inquiries through the social media platforms. Also, the campaigns and other promotional activities can be easily managed through this integration process.

Apart from the above mentioned Odoo ERP integration with third-party applications, Google apps, Odoo Google custom search, G-suite, SMS gateway integration with Odoo ERP, Mailchimp email marketing integration with Odoo ERP, etc., can also be processed through which the overall efficiency of the organization can be increased and workflow of the system can be streamlined accordingly.

Future thoughts

As said earlier, integration is the initial step towards automation. Integrating various systems not only leads to the organisations efficacy but also it reduces the workflow in the system, ultimately leading to the concept of automation. In general, integration has become more important and mandatory for meeting the needs of digital transformation.

Our footsteps on Odoo ERP integration services

Apart from the massive growth and technological developments in the fields of ERP and Odoo, the underlying principle remains unchanged, the provision of an open-source ERP software. We have provided our services in Odoo with more than X+ integrations. And also, we are delighted to showcase our efficient contribution by the provision of our service in the Odoo ERP system by means of development, implementation, customization, and services based on our client’s requirements.

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