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PTO Design and Development Company Streamline their Business Using Odoo ERP

PTO Design and Development Company Streamline their Business Using Odoo ERP
Client Name
Alpha Drives
Odoo CRM Implementation and Customization
Current Odoo Version
Aug 2019 - Present
Alpha Drivers is one of the leading PTO (Power Take Offs) design and developing companies in India, serving major Truck OEMs by designing and developing PTOs to extend the applications that can be built on the trucks and increase their market value. Alpha Drives is one among the Award-winning business partners in India.
Being an efficient manufacturing company, Alpha Drives consists of various units for their manufacturing processes. Initiating with the designing unit to the final process of delivering the manufactured units, Alpha Drives are fragmented into a multi-dimensional company. Their entire manufacturing units are streamlined using an ERP system. But when it comes to handling their designing unit which is the first and foremost unit that analyzes their business enquiries, they were in need of an efficient CRM to organize the designing unit. Thus, Alpha Drives was looking for an effective solution to organize and streamline their Designing Unit.
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The Problem
Being a leading PTO manufacturing company, Alpha Drives had multiple challenges when it comes to streamlining their various business functionalities in their Designing Unit.
Initially, they relied on basic Excel sheets through which they managed their enquiries and design data. Also, their main challenge was to manage 17 different stages including Enquiry Register, Team feasibility study, Gathering input requirements, Product design, planning, etc., which assembles their Designing Unit. Each stage consists of n number of multiple fields in it through which the data will be processed by various resource persons assigned to check and confirm the data collection and approval.
The major challenges faced by their Designing Unit are as follows.
- Tracking of data was their first and foremost challenge
- Maintaining transaction records for various multiple stages and their respective fields.
- Reusability of the tracked data whenever they are required in the foreseeable future.
- Manual reporting and tracking of data which led to lack of transparency, duplication and loss of data.
- Multi-user availability for managing their data on multiple stages.
- To avoid data complication by providing a better data processing system.
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The Solution
Interested in streamlining their Designing Unit using Odoo ERP, Alpha Drives selected PPTS India Pvt Ltd as their Odoo implementation partner.
Initially, as the business requirement was precise, Odoo Community V10 was implemented. Further, based on the business functionalities, the inbuilt CRM feature in Odoo ERP has to be customized in order to streamline their designing unit.
The following are the solutions rendered by PPTS in order to overcome their business challenges.
- Customization of Odoo CRM for product design and development through which their enquiries and leads are recorded and managed efficiently.
- Configuration of ‘My Pipeline’ through which the data process of specific product design development is managed at various stages.
- Additional multiple fields are created and customized based on the responsibilities of 17 stages.
- Efficient data process management system using the Odoo CRM.
Thus, the provided solutions in the Odoo ERP not only helped Alpha Drives in streamlining their Designing unit, but also in managing their design data in their foreseeable future whenever they require it.
The following are the after benefits of the implemented Odoo CRM customized solutions.
- Automated management of business enquiries and design data flow through the implemented CRM solution.
- Precise data process through which the design data are processed in various multiple fields in their respective stages.
- Availability of multi-user options through which various resource persons can process the data at the same time.
- Automated management of transaction records for future use.
- Tracking and reuse of data at ease.
Thus, with the help of our Odoo Gold Partner service, Alpha Drives have successfully managed to streamline their Designing Unit which reflects in their entire manufacturing process.
The Result
Experiencing the successful Odoo CRM implementation and Customization services, the entire Designing Unit of the leading PTO design and development company has been streamlined at ease.
- Better Refinement of Designing Process
- Automated Business Lead Management
- Increased Designing System Accuracy reflecting in better Manufacturing process
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